Friday, December 15, 2006

text messaging on the bus.

if i owned a kitten
i'd name it snuffles and call it my xiao sheng ming
and right now i'd be scratching it between its ears


okay more birthday piccas to be up in my next next life.
18th was spent catching up with Sweet Steph (haha) then being blindfolded and deceived by pals so good at White Lies. soon after found myself feeding What Lies Beneath swans, revenging on Dua Boss, favouring asthamtic Mr. Snuffles, UNsexy shots during Twister.. then dark gray clouds hovered above my head and threatened to pour so in my dark mood i became a brat at the Village and i apologise my dears.


sleepover at Nicole Love was.. healthy. sober sleepover was a first and we did 80 situps (albeit much screaming and cheering) and stretched like mad (insert the pulling and more screaming) but i swear her bedroom holds much sopoforic (sp) quality.. my eyelids grow so heavy everytime. or maybe it's the exercising this time.

Phuture and Breakfast @ Tiffany's next weds pls.
(p.s you said it's all a choice so i thought about it
and decided i couldn't choose..)

work tmrw till 11
kudos to late night shopping
d'oh, my feet, my poor feet.

i need shoppingg supper and stories